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General Information

Published: 26/06/2017 - 15:47
Last modification: 21/12/2023 - 10:22

Graduate Program Information


The PPGEQ aims to:

I – Train professors, researchers, and human resources at high-level knowledge in the Chemical Engineering field to promote knowledge dissemination and integrate teaching and research activities in their area of expertise.

II – Promote studies in the concentration area and lines of research to improve the teaching and scientific-technological developments.

III – Encourage teaching, research, and extension activities developed at the graduate level to enable an effective integration between graduate and undergraduate activities.

Faculty & Staff

For more information, please visit the Professors and Technical Staff.

Opening hours:

Monday – Friday: 8am to 11am and 13pm to 17pm (Brazil local time).

Contact Us

Coordination office:

E-mail: coordppgeq@feq.ufu.br/secppgeq@feq.ufu.br

Tel: +55 34 3239-4249



Silvana Dias Fonseca and Flavia Diamantino

E-mail: secppgeq@feq.ufu.br

Tel: +55 34 3239-4249

      +55 34 3239-4291


For more information, please visit http://www.ppgeq.feq.ufu.br



Chemical Engineering Graduate Program

Faculty of Chemical Engineering of Federal University of Uberlândia

Santa Mônica university campus - Building 1K, 2nd floor, room 1K202 

2121 João Naves de Ávila Avenue, Uberlândia, MG 

Zip Code: 38400-902, Brazil

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