Kinetics, Catalysis, Thermodynamics and Reactors
Published: 29/06/2017 - 10:42
Last modification: 28/05/2022 - 10:03
This area focuses on heterogeneous catalytic and non-catalytic processes such as syngas or hydrogen production from autothermal reforming of natural gas (methane) and biomass (ethanol, glycerol), synthetic fuel production via Fischer-Tropsch process, and removal of gaseous pollutants from stationary sources. The methods are based on several activities as preparation of solid and supported catalysts; physicochemical characterization of catalysts such as surface area, reduction and desorption of molecules using temperature-programmed probes, infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, metal content analysis by atomic absorption, among others; as well as the thermodynamic properties determination of liquid and gaseous solutions, and physicochemical adsorption and catalytic evaluations carried out in different reactors.
Research Group on Supercritical Processes
Oil Extraction Processes using Supercritical CO2
Usually, oil extraction is carried out with organic solvents. However, supercritical fluid extraction is a promising alternative, presenting great efficiency and environmental sustainability. This project evaluates the effects of the parameter such as temperature and pressure as well as the use of hexane, acetone, and ethanol as cosolvents on the soybean and corn germ oil extraction. The following professors integrate this project: Carla Eponina Hori, Erika Ohta Watanabe, and Lucienne Lobato Romanielo.
Bioactive Components Extraction using Supercritical CO2
The project aims to evaluate the overall extraction yield, antioxidant activity and to identify phytochemical components of Vernonia amygdalina Delile (boldo) extracts using pressurized CO2. The operational parameters effects such as pressure, temperature, and residence time will be investigated and it will be also provided a comparison between the extracts obtained by conventional method and using a supercritical CO2 extraction. The following professors integrate the project: Carla Eponina Hori e Erika Ohta Watanabe.
Research Group on Sustainable Processes
Hydrogen Production from Hydrocarbons Reforming
The project has been implemented for more than 10 years and the studies focus on nickel, cobalt, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium catalysts doped with cerium, zirconium, and lanthanum. The catalysts are prepared, characterized, and tested for the steam reforming reactions, dry-reforming, or oxidative reforming of hydrocarbons. Recently, it has also been used perovskites and hydrotalcites as catalyst precursors to provide better catalytic properties. The following professors integrate the project: Carla Eponina Hori, Cícero Naves de Ávila Neto, and Lucienne Lobato Romanielo.
Biodiesel Production
The project aims to investigate esters synthesis (biodiesel) from residual oils (low commercial value) under a continuous mode using niobium-based catalysts. Reaction parameters such as temperature, amount of catalyst, and alcohol: oil molar ratio are evaluated. The residual oil usage is interesting since the type of raw material for biodiesel production determines the biofuel production cost. The following professors integrate the project: Carla Eponina Hori, Erika Ohta Watanabe, and Lucienne Lobato Romanielo.
Ether Synthesis from Glycerol
Biodiesel synthesis generates a significant amount of glycerol as a by-product. It is very important to convert this excessive amount into a high-added-value product. This project studies the ether synthesis from glycerol using acid catalyst, evaluating some parameters such as temperature, amount of catalyst, and alcohol: glycerol molar ratio in a pressurized continuous flow reactor.
Study of Phenol Hydrodeoxygenation
The catalyst hydrodeoxygenation reaction (HDO) has been widely studied as an improvement process for bio-oil production. In this process, the hydrogen reduces the high oxygen content in the bio-oil, increasing its stability. Initially, the project will be conducted a thermodynamic reaction analysis to understand the H2:phenol molar ratio and temperature effects on the products distribution. Next, the gas-phase HDO of phenol over Pb bimetallic catalysts (Pd-Ag, Pd-Zn, Pd-Cu, and Pd-Sn) supported on ZrO2, catalysts supported on Nb2O5 and cerium mixed oxides will be investigated.
Chemical Processes for Fertilizer Production
Study of Iron Oxide Concentration Effect in the Simple Superphosphate Production
The project aims to characterize the common effect of ferrous materials concentration and main reaction kinetics variables for simple superphosphate (SSP) production using concentrated rocks from the Barreiro alkaline complex at Araxá (MG). The main kinetics factors affecting the acidulation reaction and allowing variable mapping within feasible range in the industrial process will be evaluated. The following professors integrate the project: Carla Eponina Hori and Cícero Naves de Ávila Neto.
Computational Thermodynamics Lab
The Chemical Engineering Research Laboratory is located at the Federal University of Uberlândia, Santa Mônica Campus, Bloco 1Z-A, Room 106.
Coordinator: Lucienne Lobato Romanielo
Sustainable Processes Lab
The Sustainable Processes Laboratory is equipped with three units of multipurpose catalyst testing with in-line chromatography, two catalyst characterization units for gas adsorption (BET area and chemisorption), temperature-programmed techniques (TRP, TPD, and TPO), and calorimeters. In addition, there is a structure for catalysts preparation composed of: thermostatic baths, oven, rotary evaporator, metering pumps, analytical balances, and muffle furnace.
Location: Federal University of Uberlândia, Santa Mônica Campus, Bloco 1Z-A, Room 103.
Supercritical Conditions Processes Lab
The Supercritical Conditions Processes Laboratory is equipped with a supercritical extraction unit with a syringe pump (ISCO Model 500D), two temperature controllers, two thermostatic baths, two extractors (100 and 200 ml), and a CO2 cylinder. Some liquid cosolvents can also be used in the system. There is also a reaction unit at supercritical conditions composed of two furnaces, two temperature controllers, an HPLC pump for feeding liquid, a flow and pressure control system, and a cooling system. This laboratory is also equipped with a forced convection oven, a hydraulic press , and analytical balance.
Location: Federal University of Uberlândia, Santa Mônica Campus, Bloco 1Z-A, Room 101.
Em português está como prensa de sólidos, mas acredito que seja uma prensa hidráulica, sugiro confirmar este termo, pois a busca por prensa de sólidos resultou ou em filtros prensa ou em prensa hidráulica.